Get Started

In this document, we expect to start ec2 instances, deploy software stacks with a dynamic inventory like a text inventory file and terminate instances when its completed. This can be applied to other cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure or OpenStack.


Typical ansible playbook runs with a static text inventory file which consists of a set of IP addresses or host names accessible via SSH because it assume that there are machines ready to install software and configure settings through Ansible roles, plays. When it comes to cloud resources, those IPs or host names are not permanent because new instances are started with different network access information. Ansible Dynamic Inventory allows to retrieve instance information directly from EC2 instead of reading a text file.

In addition, Ansible ec2 cloud module supports creating/terminating ec2 instances as Ansible tasks, therefore booting and terminating ec2 instances are automated by Ansible plays, in this case, boot.yml and terminate.yml files.

AWS Credentials

AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are required to communicate with AWS under your account. Ansible provides several options to import credentials like ec2.ini file, boto profile (e.g. ~/.aws/credentials) and environment variables but we will use environment variables with ansible-vault to secure the information.

  • Be ready with your AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

  • Store the information in a file like:

    $ nano cred
      export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=1234567890
      export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=1234567890

(Replace 1234567890 with a real value)

  • Encrypt the file with ansible-vault with your password for this file:

    $ ansible-vault encrypt cred
    New Vault password:
    Confirm New Vault password:

The encrypted file looks like:

$ cat cred
  • Enable your EC2 credentials in a shell by:

    $ $(ansible-vault view cred)
    Vault password:

You can confirm whether it’s loaded or not by:

$ env|grep AWS

Dynamic Inventory

It is not required to have a text inventory file in your Ansible home directory as long as script provides dynamic inventory.

  • Download and run AWS External Inventory Script:

    $ curl -L >
    % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
    Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
    100 63776  100 63776    0     0   135k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  317k
  • Make it executable by:

    $ chmod a+x ./
  • Check running EC2 instances, (wait a few seconds):

    $ ./
       "_meta": {
         "hostvars": {}

There is no running instances now but if you have some, the JSON return dataset looks like:

  "_meta": {
    "hostvars": {
      "": {
	"ansible_ssh_host": "",
	"ec2__in_monitoring_element": false,
	"ec2_ami_launch_index": "0",
	"ec2_architecture": "x86_64",
	"ec2_client_token": "",
	"ec2_dns_name": "",
	"ec2_ebs_optimized": false,
	"ec2_eventsSet": "",
	"ec2_group_name": "",
	"ec2_hypervisor": "xen",
	"ec2_id": "i-1a2c68e2",
	"ec2_image_id": "ami-2d39803a",
	"ec2_instance_profile": "",
	"ec2_instance_type": "t2.micro",
	"ec2_ip_address": "",
	"ec2_item": "",
	"ec2_kernel": "",
	"ec2_key_name": "albert",
	"ec2_launch_time": "2016-09-15T17:18:36.000Z",
	"ec2_monitored": false,
	"ec2_monitoring": "",
	"ec2_monitoring_state": "disabled",
	"ec2_persistent": false,
	"ec2_placement": "us-east-1a",
	"ec2_platform": "",
	"ec2_previous_state": "",
	"ec2_previous_state_code": 0,
	"ec2_private_dns_name": "ip-172-30-3-104.ec2.internal",
	"ec2_private_ip_address": "",
	"ec2_public_dns_name": "",
	"ec2_ramdisk": "",
	"ec2_reason": "",
	"ec2_region": "us-east-1",
	"ec2_requester_id": "",
	"ec2_root_device_name": "/dev/sda1",
	"ec2_root_device_type": "ebs",
	"ec2_security_group_ids": "sg-69ebc60c,sg-115b376b",
	"ec2_security_group_names": "default,abds_secgroup",
	"ec2_sourceDestCheck": "true",
	"ec2_spot_instance_request_id": "",
	"ec2_state": "running",
	"ec2_state_code": 16,
	"ec2_state_reason": "",
	"ec2_subnet_id": "subnet-719a774d",
	"ec2_tag_datanodes": "True",
	"ec2_tag_frontendnodes": "False",
	"ec2_tag_hadoopnodes": "True",
	"ec2_tag_historyservernodes": "False",
	"ec2_tag_journalnodes": "True",
	"ec2_tag_namenodes": "True",
	"ec2_tag_resourcemanagernodes": "True",
	"ec2_tag_zookeepernodes": "True",
	"ec2_virtualization_type": "hvm",
	"ec2_vpc_id": "vpc-e6c17c83"
  "ami_2d39803a": [
  "ec2": [
  "i-1a2c68e2": [
  "key_albert": [
  "security_group_abds_secgroup": [
  "security_group_default": [
  "tag_datanodes_True": [
  "tag_frontendnodes_False": [
  "tag_hadoopnodes_True": [
  "tag_historyservernodes_False": [
  "tag_journalnodes_True": [
  "tag_namenodes_True": [
  "tag_resourcemanagernodes_True": [
  "tag_zookeepernodes_True": [
  "type_t2_micro": [
  "us-east-1": [
  "us-east-1a": [
  "vpc_id_vpc_e6c17c83": [
  • Switch inventory argument option in your ansible-playbook command like:

    $ ansible-playbook -i

For more information, see Ansible Dynamic Inventory here

Launching EC2 Instances via Ansible ec2 module

Ansible provide cloud modules to manage instances and we use ec2 module for Amazon EC2 cloud to launch or terminate instances. Other clouds i.e. Azure, Digital Ocean, Docker, Google Compute Engine (GCE) or OpenStack are also supported in the cloud modules. For more information see documentation here and source code from ansible-modules-core here

The following ec2 task starts a single EC2 instance with Ubuntu 14.04 image:

- ec2:
    key_name: albert          # SSH registered key name
    instance_type: t2.micro   # EC2 Instance size
    image: ami-2d39803a       # Ubuntu 14.04 image
    group: default            # security group
    region: us-east-1         # EC2 Region

This five lines in ec2 task launches a new EC2 instance on us-east-1 region. Find out more details here

EC2 Tags for Inventory Groups

instance_tags is used to create inventory groups therefore Ansible plays run on particular hosts. For example, deploying hadoop cluster requires several inventory groups such as namenodes, datanodes or zookeepernodes. instance_tags is useful to put a label on ec2 instances to distinguish virtual servers between different inventory groups. The following example shows that three ec2 instances will be created with the tags for namenodes, datanodes and zookeepernodes like:

- ec2:
    key_name: "{{ keypair }}"
    instance_type: "{{ instance_size }}"
    image: "{{ image }}"
    region: "{{ region }}"
    exact_count: 3
    count_tag: three-nodes
    group:  [ 'default', "{{ security_group }}" ]
      namenodes: True
      datanodes: True
      zookeepernodes: True
      historyservernodes: False
      frontendnodes: False

The key:value tags are used here and the AWS EC2 returns JSON data like:

{u'ansible_all_ipv4_addresses': [u''],
 u'ansible_all_ipv6_addresses': [u'fe80::4b9:ffff:fe81:65f'],
 u'ansible_architecture': u'x86_64',
 u'ansible_bios_date': u'05/12/2016',
 u'ansible_bios_version': u'',
 'ansible_check_mode': False,
 u'ansible_cmdline': {u'BOOT_IMAGE': u'/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-91-generic',
		      u'console': u'ttyS0',
		      u'ro': True,
		      u'root': u'UUID=73362e04-90b8-4c53-b878-2097820e0b34'},
 u'ansible_date_time': {u'date': u'2016-09-16',
			u'day': u'16',
			u'epoch': u'1473991427',
			u'hour': u'02',
			u'iso8601': u'2016-09-16T02:03:47Z',
			u'iso8601_basic': u'20160916T020347397930',
			u'iso8601_basic_short': u'20160916T020347',
			u'iso8601_micro': u'2016-09-16T02:03:47.398008Z',
			u'minute': u'03',
			u'month': u'09',
			u'second': u'47',
			u'time': u'02:03:47',
			u'tz': u'UTC',
			u'tz_offset': u'+0000',
			u'weekday': u'Friday',
			u'weekday_number': u'5',
			u'weeknumber': u'37',
			u'year': u'2016'},
 u'ansible_default_ipv4': {u'address': u'',
			   u'alias': u'eth0',
			   u'broadcast': u'',
			   u'gateway': u'',
			   u'interface': u'eth0',
			   u'macaddress': u'06:b9:ff:81:06:5f',
			   u'mtu': 9001,
			   u'netmask': u'',
			   u'network': u'',
			   u'type': u'ether'},
 u'ansible_default_ipv6': {},
 u'ansible_devices': {u'xvda': {u'holders': [],
				u'host': u'',
				u'model': None,
				u'partitions': {u'xvda1': {u'sectors': u'16755795',
							   u'sectorsize': 512,
							   u'size': u'7.99 GB',
							   u'start': u'16065'}},
				u'removable': u'0',
				u'rotational': u'0',
				u'sas_address': None,
				u'sas_device_handle': None,
				u'scheduler_mode': u'deadline',
				u'sectors': u'16777216',
				u'sectorsize': u'512',
				u'size': u'8.00 GB',
				u'support_discard': u'0',
				u'vendor': None}},
 u'ansible_distribution': u'Ubuntu',
 u'ansible_distribution_major_version': u'14',
 u'ansible_distribution_release': u'trusty',
 u'ansible_distribution_version': u'14.04',
 u'ansible_dns': {u'nameservers': [u''],
		  u'search': [u'ec2.internal']},
 u'ansible_domain': u'',
 u'ansible_env': {u'HOME': u'/home/ubuntu',
		  u'LANG': u'en_US.UTF-8',
		  u'LC_ALL': u'en_US.UTF-8',
		  u'LC_MESSAGES': u'en_US.UTF-8',
		  u'LOGNAME': u'ubuntu',
		  u'MAIL': u'/var/mail/ubuntu',
		  u'PATH': u'/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games',
		  u'PWD': u'/home/ubuntu',
		  u'SHELL': u'/bin/bash',
		  u'SHLVL': u'1',
		  u'SSH_CLIENT': u' 38016 22',
		  u'SSH_CONNECTION': u' 38016 22',
		  u'SSH_TTY': u'/dev/pts/0',
		  u'TERM': u'xterm',
		  u'USER': u'ubuntu',
		  u'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR': u'/run/user/1000',
		  u'XDG_SESSION_ID': u'8',
		  u'_': u'/bin/sh'},
 u'ansible_eth0': {u'active': True,
		   u'device': u'eth0',
		   u'ipv4': {u'address': u'',
			     u'broadcast': u'',
			     u'netmask': u'',
			     u'network': u''},
		   u'ipv6': [{u'address': u'fe80::4b9:ffff:fe81:65f',
			      u'prefix': u'64',
			      u'scope': u'link'}],
		   u'macaddress': u'06:b9:ff:81:06:5f',
		   u'mtu': 9001,
		   u'pciid': u'vif-0',
		   u'promisc': False,
		   u'type': u'ether'},
 u'ansible_fips': False,
 u'ansible_form_factor': u'Other',
 u'ansible_fqdn': u'ip-172-30-3-139',
 u'ansible_gather_subset': [u'hardware', u'network', u'virtual'],
 u'ansible_hostname': u'ip-172-30-3-139',
 u'ansible_interfaces': [u'lo', u'eth0'],
 u'ansible_kernel': u'3.13.0-91-generic',
 u'ansible_lo': {u'active': True,
		 u'device': u'lo',
		 u'ipv4': {u'address': u'',
			   u'broadcast': u'host',
			   u'netmask': u'',
			   u'network': u''},
		 u'ipv6': [{u'address': u'::1',
			    u'prefix': u'128',
			    u'scope': u'host'}],
		 u'mtu': 65536,
		 u'promisc': False,
		 u'type': u'loopback'},
 u'ansible_lsb': {u'codename': u'trusty',
		  u'description': u'Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS',
		  u'id': u'Ubuntu',
		  u'major_release': u'14',
		  u'release': u'14.04'},
 u'ansible_machine': u'x86_64',
 u'ansible_machine_id': u'dd1bac9cb23792a632bd6ee157719517',
 u'ansible_memfree_mb': 715,
 u'ansible_memory_mb': {u'nocache': {u'free': 932, u'used': 60},
			u'real': {u'free': 715, u'total': 992, u'used': 277},
			u'swap': {u'cached': 0,
				  u'free': 0,
				  u'total': 0,
				  u'used': 0}},
 u'ansible_memtotal_mb': 992,
 u'ansible_mounts': [{u'device': u'/dev/xvda1',
		      u'fstype': u'ext4',
		      u'mount': u'/',
		      u'options': u'rw,discard',
		      u'size_available': 7029567488,
		      u'size_total': 8309932032,
		      u'uuid': u''}],
 u'ansible_nodename': u'ip-172-30-3-139',
 u'ansible_os_family': u'Debian',
 u'ansible_pkg_mgr': u'apt',
 u'ansible_processor': [u'GenuineIntel',
			u'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz'],
 u'ansible_processor_cores': 1,
 u'ansible_processor_count': 1,
 u'ansible_processor_threads_per_core': 1,
 u'ansible_processor_vcpus': 1,
 u'ansible_product_name': u'HVM domU',
 u'ansible_product_serial': u'NA',
 u'ansible_product_uuid': u'NA',
 u'ansible_product_version': u'',
 u'ansible_python': {u'executable': u'/usr/bin/python',
		     u'has_sslcontext': False,
		     u'type': u'CPython',
		     u'version': {u'major': 2,
				  u'micro': 6,
				  u'minor': 7,
				  u'releaselevel': u'final',
				  u'serial': 0},
		     u'version_info': [2, 7, 6, u'final', 0]},
 u'ansible_python_version': u'2.7.6',
 u'ansible_selinux': False,
 u'ansible_service_mgr': u'upstart',
 u'ansible_ssh_host': u'',
 u'ansible_ssh_host_key_dsa_public': u'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',
 u'ansible_ssh_host_key_ecdsa_public': u'AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCjuapwx2AgG834ti6pGu7gbF2YJmoQ1r6wGVNQrnVHs7rZ5S+hhTSjRmZQ7d5zYgbqFX/f9WGAQgAn89dWyHPE=',
 u'ansible_ssh_host_key_ed25519_public': u'AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEOzako99Tn5mO/vjk+ctHc9HKmtdsdJxTqqNIoo0RI3',
 u'ansible_ssh_host_key_rsa_public': u'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC7elCMaVXdqIuBrO+4Fx5oPggQdI7JRKv176NsoRtwsYPtxp07t4mllkH6ATsQgkj9wDHOxMk73zyEFaMZskCVNwvN1bwGIyZX/i8JXJtzAdvZZNn1cH1zCi1WD3bRx3dp+p8JU+OmVBhaElPYqm3W+BDWGC7b4YqHbqTHDNTUswgvvLuXr0Qw7fdWMNxb8Va7c3GOrMEkMWnHpMpVCu6Y8zIHdcmJWSMeBXOUKPkXXsaI6jAX8koi8pAFeX95rHbwhP2uo76ueJqWJhDPLm6FdXW+hsPIKDn4eFIhVrHNROml4Z3pAR6FmfidJEi5dvXmefLC6IQH9eDgf7Dn5fS9',
 u'ansible_swapfree_mb': 0,
 u'ansible_swaptotal_mb': 0,
 u'ansible_system': u'Linux',
 u'ansible_system_capabilities': [u''],
 u'ansible_system_capabilities_enforced': u'True',
 u'ansible_system_vendor': u'Xen',
 u'ansible_uptime_seconds': 21477,
 u'ansible_user_dir': u'/home/ubuntu',
 u'ansible_user_gecos': u'Ubuntu',
 u'ansible_user_gid': 1000,
 u'ansible_user_id': u'ubuntu',
 u'ansible_user_shell': u'/bin/bash',
 u'ansible_user_uid': 1000,
 u'ansible_userspace_architecture': u'x86_64',
 u'ansible_userspace_bits': u'64',
 'ansible_version': {'full': '',
		     'major': 2,
		     'minor': 1,
		     'revision': 1,
		     'string': ''},
 u'ansible_virtualization_role': u'guest',
 u'ansible_virtualization_type': u'xen',
 u'ec2__in_monitoring_element': False,
 u'ec2_ami_launch_index': u'0',
 u'ec2_architecture': u'x86_64',
 u'ec2_client_token': u'',
 u'ec2_dns_name': u'',
 u'ec2_ebs_optimized': False,
 u'ec2_eventsSet': u'',
 u'ec2_group_name': u'',
 u'ec2_hypervisor': u'xen',
 u'ec2_id': u'i-435014bb',
 u'ec2_image_id': u'ami-2d39803a',
 u'ec2_instance_profile': u'',
 u'ec2_instance_type': u't2.micro',
 u'ec2_ip_address': u'',
 u'ec2_item': u'',
 u'ec2_kernel': u'',
 u'ec2_key_name': u'albert',
 u'ec2_launch_time': u'2016-09-15T20:05:34.000Z',
 u'ec2_monitored': False,
 u'ec2_monitoring': u'',
 u'ec2_monitoring_state': u'disabled',
 u'ec2_persistent': False,
 u'ec2_placement': u'us-east-1a',
 u'ec2_platform': u'',
 u'ec2_previous_state': u'',
 u'ec2_previous_state_code': 0,
 u'ec2_private_dns_name': u'ip-172-30-3-139.ec2.internal',
 u'ec2_private_ip_address': u'',
 u'ec2_public_dns_name': u'',
 u'ec2_ramdisk': u'',
 u'ec2_reason': u'',
 u'ec2_region': u'us-east-1',
 u'ec2_requester_id': u'',
 u'ec2_root_device_name': u'/dev/sda1',
 u'ec2_root_device_type': u'ebs',
 u'ec2_security_group_ids': u'sg-69ebc60c,sg-115b376b',
 u'ec2_security_group_names': u'default,abds_secgroup',
 u'ec2_sourceDestCheck': u'true',
 u'ec2_spot_instance_request_id': u'',
 u'ec2_state': u'running',
 u'ec2_state_code': 16,
 u'ec2_state_reason': u'',
 u'ec2_subnet_id': u'subnet-719a774d',
 u'ec2_tag_datanodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_tag_frontendnodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_tag_hadoopnodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_tag_historyservernodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_tag_journalnodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_tag_namenodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_tag_resourcemanagernodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_tag_zookeepernodes': u'True',
 u'ec2_virtualization_type': u'hvm',
 u'ec2_vpc_id': u'vpc-e6c17c83',
 'group_names': [u'ami_2d39803a',
 'groups': {'all': [u'', u'', u''],
	    u'ami_2d39803a': [u'',
	    u'ec2': [u'', u'', u''],
	    u'i-435014bb': [u''],
	    u'i-e250141a': [u''],
	    u'i-e350141b': [u''],
	    u'key_albert': [u'',
	    u'security_group_abds_secgroup': [u'',
	    u'security_group_default': [u'',
	    u'tag_datanodes_True': [u'',
	    u'tag_frontendnodes_False': [u'', u''],
	    u'tag_frontendnodes_True': [u''],
	    u'tag_hadoopnodes_True': [u'',
	    u'tag_historyservernodes_False': [u'',
	    u'tag_historyservernodes_True': [u''],
	    u'tag_journalnodes_True': [u'',
	    u'tag_namenodes_True': [u'',
	    u'tag_resourcemanagernodes_True': [u'',
	    u'tag_zookeepernodes_True': [u'',
	    u'type_t2_micro': [u'',
	    'ungrouped': ['localhost'],
	    u'us-east-1': [u'',
	    u'us-east-1a': [u'',
	    u'vpc_id_vpc_e6c17c83': [u'',
 'inventory_dir': '/home/albert/git/aws-cloudformation-by-ansible',
 'inventory_file': '',
 'inventory_hostname': u'',
 'inventory_hostname_short': u'52',
 u'module_setup': True,
 'omit': '__omit_place_holder__943b1cb4d91b305bcddb59adcbdfd6146fda5e7e',
 'playbook_dir': u'/home/albert/git/aws-cloudformation-by-ansible'}

As you noticed that tags create separate host groups in a tag_<key>_<value> form, for example, namenodes are listed like:

u'tag_namenodes_True': [u'',

It is good because Ansible directly call this group like:

$ ansible -m ping -i -u ubuntu "tag_namenodes_True"

However, if hostnames should be just namenodes without any prefix or postfix, we can fix that using add_host module. Let’s see that in convert.yml.

Converting Inventory Groups

convent.yml uses add_host to create a new inventory groups and it corrects group names from tag_<key>_<value> fomat to <key> like just namenodes. Sample task looks like

- name: convert EC2 tags_*_True inventory groups
  hosts: "tag_namenodes_True"
      - name: Add new instance to host group (namenodes)
        add_host: hostname="{{ hostvars[item]['ec2_ip_address'] }}" groupname=namenodes
        with_items: "{{ groups['tag_namenodes_True'] }}"

This task runs towards tag_namenodes_True group and create a new group named namenodes with EC2 IP addresses therefore following ansible playbooks or roles can be used without modification in hostnames.

Terminating EC2 Instances

state: 'absent' terminates ec2 instances with instance ids which boot.yml stores using ec2_facts. Therefore, terminate.yml reads the YAML fact file and gets instance ids to terminate. include_vars imports data from YAML and makes them accessible in Ansible Plays.

Sample ec2_fact file looks like:

    "ansible_facts": {
	"changed": true,
	"instance_ids": [
	"instances": [
		"ami_launch_index": "0",
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